Carlo Parlanti on the "Fresno Bee"

An Italian citizen imprisoned in Avenal State Prison is fasting to protest what he claims is inadequate health care at the prison and to shed light on appealing his conviction for sexually assaulting a former girlfriend.
The case of Carlo Parlanti, 46, has received considerable attention from the Italian media and politicians since his arrest and conviction in 2005, said Parlanti's current girlfriend, Katia Anedda, who organized the group, Prisoner of Silence, to work for his release.
Through an interpreter, she said Parlanti has been denied proper health care for treatment of hepatitis C, a spot on his lungs that could be cancerous and for problems with his spinal cord. Her news conference was held Monday in front of the Hugh M. Burns state building in downtown Fresno.
Anedda also said Parlanti hasn't had a chance to prove his innocence, something she said should be guaranteed in a country that celebrates its freedoms, such as America.
"He has been denied his fundamental right to show he's not guilty, Anedda said.
But prison officials countered Monday that Parlanti is receiving care for his medical conditions.
"[Parlanti has] received the appropriate medical care," said Lt. John Parriera, an official at the prison.
Officials said Parlanti was on a liquid diet, but they believed it was for health reasons.
Anedda said Parlanti plans to continue fasting until he sees an improvement in prison conditions.
And prosecutors maintain Parlanti had a fair trial.
He was convicted for a 2002 assault in Thousand Oaks in which he beat and tied up his former girlfriend, then raped her repeatedly over several days, said Gilbert Romero, a Ventura County supervising deputy district attorney.
Parlanti later left the country on a business trip and was arrested in Germany.
Romero said Parlanti fought being extradited to the United States, but was turned over to U.S. officials and put on trial in 2005.
After being convicted and sentenced to nine years in prison, Romero said a U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting thousands of prisoners in California, including Parlanti, required all to be resentenced.
In December, a Ventura County judge affirmed Parlanti's original sentence, which was the maximum term possible.
Romero called the sentence appropriate, given the seriousness of the crime.
Anedda said she hopes Parlanti's appeal will be successful. A call to his attorney wasn't returned Monday.
She said 134 Italian citizens are imprisoned in the United States.
In addition to Parlanti, Anedda said her organization is helping an Italian imprisoned in Florida.
2 Commenti:
cavoli, katia è distrutta e carlo... che sguardo!! il gigante e la bambina fanno quasi tenerezza. oltre che rabbia per l'oltraggio che le loro vite hanno subito!! lui ha uno sguardo forte, fossi nei signori di ventura e nella signora che gli ha distrutto la vita, avrei quasi paura e mi vergognerei. così, ad occhio e croce.
9 aprile 2008 alle ore 09:55
io sottoscrivo ogni tua parola, anche se a vedere questa foto mi viene un'angoscia....
9 aprile 2008 alle ore 11:06
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